The Ethics of Divorce and Re-Marriage

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The Ethics of Divorce and Re-Marriage

Divorce is a legal termination of a marriage, leaving the couple free

to remarry who they want. Re-marriage therefore is following a

divorce, when one or both of the couple get married again to new

partners. This is only when both partners have been divorced and are

still alive. I am not sure whether I agree or disagree with this

statement so I am going to look at the two sides of this view and then

I will make my decision.

The Catholic Church is fully against divorce and does not accept it in

any circumstances. If you were to get divorced, the Catholic Church

would not recognise it and would still see the couple as married. They

see divorce as a grave offence against the natural law and immoral as

it introduces disorder into the family and society. Re-marriage is

therefore seen as permanent adultery as the Church still sees them as

married. Most other Christian Churches also say this about divorce.

The Church of England does not accept divorce and teaches that

marriage if for life and the Orthodox Church teaches that wedding vows

are taken with every intention of being kept but there are times when

they cannot be kept.

There are some common reasons of why people decide to divorce. One of

these is that the couple simply fall out of love. This can easily

happen as feelings can change and they may feel that they just do not

have the same feelings for each other anymore. The Catholic Church’s

view on this is that the couple should seek counselling and marriage

guidance to sort their marriage out. This may be a good enough reason

but would it really be enough to help the couple realise why th...

... middle of paper ...

...vorce and separation on the whole family.

It also stresses that only the couples themselves can save their

marriages. This could be an option for couples that may be thinking of

divorce to sort out their problems and save their marriage. CARE aims

to demonstrate Jesus’ compassion and emphasise the family. It also

writes resources and briefing packs and gets involved in public


My view on divorce and re-marriage is that it should be accepted

fully. This is because I have seen some of the reasons for divorce and

I can’t see how you would be able to stay with someone after they have

committed adultery or they don’t love each other anymore. This is why

divorce should be accepted and then people would want to get remarried

afterwards with someone else and this should be allowed as no one

would want to be alone.

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