The Elevated Figure in the Attic

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The door to the attic creaked open in front of me. In the secluded obscurity of the attic I felt something rustle. As I walked deeper into the on-going darkness a malodorous smell invaded my nostrils. After minutes of utter silence-something began to awake. Suddenly everything had become more sinister and colder. As I glanced down I saw the moth-eaten rugs along with spiders crawling all over the floor. This place had perceptibly not been maintained as it had: dust powdering every single surface, cobwebs along with towering piles of newspapers. In the distance I saw a motionless hand-but then it moved. Whatever it was: it was going to break out. After a few minutes it stated to shuffle more viciously. Then it started breaking through. In seconds it destroyed the wardrobe. However I was unaware that being me the news papers were about to fall over. The came open me like a tiger ferociously tearing the flesh of its prey. As I regained my balance to stand up-I saw it. I saw the elevated figure mount before my eyes. It had; thick black hair which accompanied his dull personality, ...

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