The Egyptian Myth Osiris In Gods Of Egypt

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The 2016 film Gods of Egypt is a modern-take on the Egyptian myth Osiris, Isis, and Horus. In many ways, the film changes the myth’s plot, teachings, and role of characters. The story in the film is not an exact adaption because of the alteration in the sequence of events and removal of main characters that were constituents of the original myth. Newer characters like Bek, fill voids left by missing original characters. The film deliberately modifies essential mythical elements such as fate, afterlife, and abilities of gods. However, despite these changes, other important mythical elements are adapted into the film; namely Egyptian values of family, heroism, and characteristics of the gods. As a result of the film being a modern twist on the …show more content…

Gods of Egypt pushes the boundaries of authenticity by changing most of the original plot, series of events, and role of characters. The original plot is obscured by altered series of events with the addition of events that were not in the Osiris, Isis, and Horus myth. First, the film removes main characters of the myth such as Osiris and Isis within the first ten minutes at Horus’s coronation. The coronation of Horus at the beginning of the film is a strong indicator that the rest of the events from the myth will be out of order or nonexistent. Gods of Egypt depict Osiris bestowing the throne of Egypt to Horus without a battle from Set. Right before Osiris places the crown on his head Set interrupts the coronation. In the myth, Horus battles with Set for the right of the throne and the assembly of gods formally acclaim Horus as ruler of all the earth in the end (Rosenberg, 2006). Another example of the plot being disturbed by mismatching the series of events, is when Osiris is stabbed at the coronation by Set, not at a feast hosted by Set where he climbs into a wooden box. Set removes the eyes of Horus so he is powerless, and reigns over Egypt. It is not until the end of the film Horus is able to defeat Set. Since Osiris and Isis are killed early on, characters like Bek fill a void where they would be on Horus’s journey to …show more content…

Gods of Egypt depict Set as the primary culprit character to achieve doing these things. For instance, when he kills Osiris and removes the eyes of Horus he declares, “I now control the fate of anyone who gets in my way” (Proyas, 2016). Set continues by declaring the afterlife is no longer a gift as said by Osiris; everyone must buy their afterlife “with riches earned” (Proyas, 2016). Set gave those he cared for gold, like his soldiers, so if they died their riches weighed heavily on the greater scale and their hearts seemed light as a feather. By seizing Egypt as his own, Set was able to control the fate of many through unexplainable abilities in the film. At the coronation of Horus, many gods were present. It was difficult to understand why none of the gods did anything to fight or at least restrain Set after he stabbed Osiris. This event is questionable, unlikely, and perfectly in favor of Set so the film could persevere. In addition to Set’s enigmatic abilities success, he obtaines the brain from the god of wisdom, the second eye of Horus, and the heart of Osiris. With these parts, Set transforms into a super god that kills Ra, destroys the afterlife, and releases chaos to achieve immortality. Horus eventually defeats Set in battle but chooses to kill him “to end chaos” and restore balance to the

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