The Effects of Wrong Descions on Life

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I have realized recently that friends should not have any affect at all on the decisions made in life. This does not vary whether you are a middle school student, college student, or even a grown and mature adult. Making a wrong decision at the wrong time can have many negative affects on life. A wrong decision might only affect you temporarily or it could stay with you for the rest of your life. It could cost you a job or could keep you from getting into the college you dreamed of going to your whole life. It is just too much to risk. In a way, decisions should be made only by the person making them. You should always think of how they will affect yourself and others. Never let a friend or anyone else force you to make a choice that could wind up hurting yourself or anybody. Always be careful, it could be something that could stick with you for life. Even think about how it could affect your family and friends. Would they be embarrassed by this choice? Would they be proud to tell other people about you and your relation to this? Decision making can be seen as a skill. Many people view it as an easy everyday thing, but to some it is harder. It is not always naturally apparent to some. Some are born leaders and easily make decisions and some just are not. Just make sure to evaluate the situation previous to making a decision that could hurt you or others. In certain situations, it is ok to get some advice from friends when making a decision. Just think it through and make sure it is really the best thing for you too. Friends don’t always keep in mind what is best for you. Sometimes they don’t realize how it can affect you and they don’t even do this on purpose. It just comes as a natural habit. I can even admit seeing myself doing it sometimes. They just don’t know what is best for you. That should only be for you to know. Often this picture will fade when having fun, but make sure you always have it at reach in the back of your head.

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