The Effects of Environmental Problems

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The effects of environmental problems such as climate change, destruction of natural habitat, carbon emissions, pollution of air, soil and water are shown in various forms. With the aim of leaving a more inhabitable environment to the future generations, besides increasing awareness towards mounting environmental problems, the urgency to take measures against them also emerges. The embodiment points of the awareness and measures can generally be said to occur in three ways. Firstly, the legislative measures against the pollution of air, soil, water and the legislative regulations for carbon emissions, climate agreements, mandatory recycling and using of renewable energy. Secondly, as important actors of marketing, companies consider shareholders and pay attention to environmental conscience from product design to product manufacturing process; from promotional activities to product use and disposal stage. Thirdly, the expectations, perceptions and consumption preferences of the consumers, who are one of the most important shareholders of the companies, toward the green contented prod...

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