The Effect of the First World War on Women's Rights

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The Effect of the First World War on Women's Rights By 1918, when the war had ended, there had been a change of attitude towards women and the right to vote. The Representation of the People Act gave the vote to some women, and before the war, all attempts by the women's movement to get the vote passed through Parliament had failed. Therefore, the work done by women in the war (1914-1918) proved to be very important in bringing about the change of attitudes towards women and allowing some to vote. The work done by women in the war was a short-term reason. Attitudes towards women and giving them the vote had been changing for a long time before this. There had been improvements in career and education opportunities for women and their rights in the family. This indicated a change in attitude and improvement in their status. The women's movement, the Suffragists and Suffragettes, was also successful in keeping the issue in the public eye but had failed to get the vote. Thus, there were many reasons why attitudes were changing, but the work of women in the First World War was probably the main one. When war broke out in 1914, the Suffragists and Suffragettes stopped their campaigning to concentrate on helping towards the war effort. They 'filled in the gap' left by the men who went out to fight. The women took over jobs that the men did before, and it was this that changed men's view towards female suffrage. There had been a 'revolution in jobs' because women started to do jobs only men had done before. Women had not been considered capable before, and at first, it was strange for women to be having a totally different role. There was a big change in attitude towards women's capabilities, and this was a significant factor in the change of attitudes towards women's rights. The war had shown that women were capable of doing jobs that were previously thought to be only for men. Women had worked in munitions factories, as nurses, and on the front line. They had shown that they were just as capable as men in society. Women would have probably gained the vote eventually, but it would have taken longer. This was the main reason for the attitude change towards women and their right to vote in 1918, but there were other long-term reasons that gradually brought about this change before 1914. There had been improvements to women's status and role in society, and they were beginning to not be looked on as something more than second-class citizens. There were improvements in the 19th century to women's career opportunities, education, and matrimonial rights. Also, the work of the Suffragists and Suffragettes kept the issue in the public eye and raised awareness. This helped women to get the vote sooner.

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