The Effect of the Blitz on Everday Life During World War Two

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The Effect of the Blitz on Everday Life During World War Two

The effect of the blitz on everyday life was enormous. From rationing

of essential food to evacuation of thousands of city children during

the Second World War was extraordinary.

Throughout the war women were the ones that did everything to make

sure the men could concentrate on winning the war. They did everything

from working at night while looking after the children in the day,

cooking for the family while coping with rations, coping with the

bombs and not knowing if their husbands would come back alive.

Also conscription of women began in December 1941. They were given the

choice of joining either the; Women’s Royal Navy Service (WRNS),

Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), Women’s Auxiliary Airforce

(WAAF), Civil Defence or in industry. At first it only applied to

unmarried women ages 20-30 years old. However in 942 the age was

widened to 19-51 years old.

Rationing was first introduced in January 1940 by the government.

Everybody had a ration book to ensure the little food available was

shared equally. The book was filled with coupons which were used to

buy rationed food, however people were still encouraged to use

alternate food. For example some foods from abroad like powered milk

and spam.

At the beginning the only foods rationed were butter, bacon and

sugar. Later meat, tea and most of the basic foods were also

rationed. Although vegetables were never rationed. From June 1941

clothes were also rationed, this led to shorter hem lines and fewer

buttons on clothes.

Fuel as the next thing to be rationed, so most people stopped using

their cars. Hot water was also encouraged to be used less, so that

coal that was used for heating could be used within the war instead.

The first evacuation was announced on august 31st 1939, the day before

Hitler invaded Poland. Many parents were reluctant to send their

children into the country side but decided it would be safer. The

first evacuation took place on September 1st.

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