The Effect of pH on the Activity of the Enzyme Amylase

1088 Words3 Pages

The Effect of pH on the Activity of the Enzyme Amylase

Aim :-

To find the effect of pH on the activity of the enzyme amylase.

An enzyme is a type of protein found in all living cells. Enzymes act

as biological catalysts, breaking down substrates without needing a

high temperature, allowing all the chemical reactions of metabolism to

take place, regulating the speed at which they progress, lowering the

activation energy and providing a means of controlling individual

biochemical pathways.

Enzymes owe their activity to the precise three-dimensional shape of

their molecules. According to the 'lock-and-key' hypothesis, the

substrates upon which an enzyme fit into a special slot in the enzyme

molecule: the active site. A chemical reaction takes place at this

site (hydrolysis - the addition of water in order to break a peptide

bond between two amino acids) and the products are released, leaving

the enzyme unchanged and ready for re-use. Enzymes are very specific

in relation to the substrates with which they work, and are normally

only effective for one reaction or a group of closely related

reactions. They function best in particular conditions of temperature

and acidity (pH), and their action can be slowed or stopped by


Extracted from 'Oxford interactive Encyclopedia' by TLC

The graph shows that when the pH is changed the reaction rate of the

enzyme changes too. As an example from the graph above, Trypsin at a

pH of 4 the reaction rate is zero. As the pH increases towards pH 12,

the reaction rate increases until it peaks at pH 8 where the reaction

rate is at it's optimum. Beyond the peak the reaction rate begi...

... middle of paper ...

...ons and Measurements

I will use a stop watch to measure the time the enzyme takes to

convert starch (a polysaccharide chain) to maltose (a disaccharide)

I will test the end solution with Benedict's solution to see if

maltose is definitely produced.


I shall repeat the experiment 3 times this shall produce an accurate

set of results. This will insure that any anomalous results obtained

will be more spread out.


In order to achieve a high level of accuracy I have made the following


· All glass wear used for measuring e.g. measuring cylinder will be of

a grade B or higher.



The usual safety precautions must be enforced for example safety

goggles and clear walkways. Specific care must be taken when handling

the acidic pH as they may burn the skin.

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