The Effect of Food on Humans

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The Effect of Food on Humans

''You are what you eat.''[1] The food we consume determines our

physical and psychological health. The muscles in the body, and the

blood flowing through the veins, are all supplied by the food that we

consume. These foods also have an effect on the way the brain

functions, and an effect on the body's performance. People might say

they are hungry and genuinely believe it when in fact they are feeling

sad. This is due to the lack of neuro- chemicals in the brain which

carry messages and control nerve impulses. When the right types of

food are eaten, the neuro- chemicals contained in the foods enhances

mental capabilities such as defusing stress. The serotonin, dopamine

and endorphin levels in the brain change. Dopamine is related with

alertness, used for fast reflexes, ''mental energy''[2] and assists

with problem solving. Serotonin helps to improve the mood and is a

regulating hormone. It is important that a well balanced diet is

consumed, eating an appropriate amount from each food group. Today's

diet has drifted a long way off the ideal intake and balance of

nutrients. Research will focus on a wide variety of diet related

issues and its effect on the bodily systems.

A healthy balanced diet should consist of:

* 60% CARBOHYDRATES- an important constituent of almost all foods

and an excellent source of energy food. If consumed before and

after a workout, the workout will be more effective. According to

The balance of good health sheet, a person should consume 6-14

measures of carbohydrates per day.

Sources include: bread, beans, pasta, rice, dried fruit etc.

* 25%FATS- Fu...

... middle of paper ...

... of importance placed on individuals these days regarding

nutrition especially to children in school. A healthy diet together

with physical activity will keep you free from illnesses. It is not

necessary to become a vegetarian or a health nut, but to cut back on

unhealthy habits and eat properly is necessary to avoid illnesses and



[1] Optimum nutrition bible, page 100

[2] positive health, page 39, issue 101

[3] The optimum nutrition bible, page 30

[4] The balance of good health sheet, 2004


[6], 2004

[7] Fitpro magazine, issue 12 pg18, 2004

[8] you are what you eat. Gillian mckeith

[9] Fit Pro magazine(2001) issue 12 page 18


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