The Dragonfly Chapter 8

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----------Chapter 1: Day of the Dragonfly---------- Caramel was practicing her art skills when her father entered her room. He had something cupped in his scaly green hands. He spoke in his friendly voice that he reserved only for her, “Today marks the Day of the Dragonfly, a ceremony only us dragons celebrate. I believe you are old enough to have this linked to your soul.” He opened his cupped hand, revealed a diamond-shaped gem. It had no particular color, only clear. Caramel hopped off her chair and put the gem on her hand. She played with the gem, rolling it around in her hands. She looked up at her father. He smiled and said, “Are you ready to have this gem inserted?” Caramel nodded her head, and her father took the gem. He showed …show more content…

The gem started to sink into her skin until it was half-way through. The gem emitted a bright red light, representing the color of her birthstone, the ruby. The gem stopped glowing, keeping its red color. Caramel picked at the gem, which caused an itchy sensation in the skin around the gem. Her father put his hand on her shoulder, “Your soul is now linked to this gem. You can communicate with any dragon that received their gem, even if you are a million miles …show more content…

Mr. Bires unlocked the gate that leads to the forest and let the two go in first. He shut the gate and left, leaving it unlocked. After about a minute of walking, they arrive at a waterfall. Caramel and Lezlie gazed up at the waterfall, watching it flow down and crash into the river they stand at. The water is clear enough for the fish to be visible even from a distance. A few leaves floating on the surface move in the direction the stream flows. Lezlie runs towards the water and cannonballs in, splashing Caramel and Mr. Bires. She floats to the surface with an old stick in her mouth, laughing. Caramel climbs up the tallest structure she could find and swan dives into the water. Opening her eyes, she could see the fish face-to-face as they curiously nip the dead skin off her scales. She closed her eyes and thought very hard, “I never want this fun to end. I wish to play with my friends for all eternity. No disagreements, no sadness, no anger, just peaceful nirvana. Not a worry in the wor...” Suddenly, she heard a loud bang, followed by something heavy falling to the ground. At first, she wanted to stay under so she can stay hidden from whatever is happening on land, but a feeling of concern overcame her. Reluctantly, she swam to the surface and faced towards her friend’s direction. ----------Chapter 3: Triple

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