The Doctrine Of Election: The Explanation Of The Election

2009 Words5 Pages

Introduction Many people may describe realizing that they have been divinely chosen as one of their most empowering moments. They would never forget the instant when enlightening thoughts, overwhelming feelings, and memories collided and fueled the emulation of heavenly standards. Being recruited into God’s forces challenges the understanding of profiting from an investment. The converted did not possess any characteristic justifying selection. No person in human history has displayed enough independent virtue, wisdom, or strength to seize the attention of creation’s architect. Hence, no individual would have a justified case against the Most High for failing to deliver their ensuing benefits. Therefore, the doctrine of election is a complicated and multi-layered topic because it encapsulates topics of will, standard, judgment and reward. …show more content…

Some writers claim the doctrine of election is the “heart and soul of scripture”. Other authors describe it as a doctrine encircled with hazards. It has even been equated with “a tool of Satan to thwart the evangelistic zeal of the church”. Hence, countless voices volunteer opinions of the advantage or detriment resulting from discernments of the doctrine of election. One thing is sure, as Charles Spurgeon once proclaimed; “Whatever may be said about the doctrine of election, it is written in the Word of God as with an iron pen, and there is no getting rid of it; where it stands”. Therefore, differing perceptions contend for agreement; can the scriptural doctrine of election exist with such confrontational understandings? If not, which historic understanding should students

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