The Destructive Effects Of Jealousy In The Film Amadeus

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The film Amadeus is based on two composers, the history’s greatest musical genius, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri, who is the court composer and narrator of the story. The film Amadeus displays the destructive effects of jealousy. Mozart is a well known composer, but he is obscene and immature. Mozart had a God-given music talent and Salieri is jealous of his talent. Salieri tries to replicate Mozart’s musical pieces but is unable to achieve success. Salieri is obsessed with Mozart’s “voice of God” and is fascinated with his talent to master the art of music. He acts like Mozart’s friend and supports his music. However, Salieri is not really Mozart’s true friend. He despises his talent and is jealous of his musical capabilities. …show more content…

When he finally meets him, Salieri describes the “night that changed his life”. Salieri’s first impression of Mozart is that he is a “dirty-minded creature, crawling on the floor”. In the film, Mozart is perceived as conceited and childlike. Salieri doesn’t understand why God has chosen such an obscene child to be his instrument. He makes requests to God through prayer and confesses that if God gives him Mozart’s talent he will sacrifice his desires. Throughout the film, Salieri battles with God and prays to rise up to Mozart’s level. The jealousy that Salieri had developed for Mozart forces him to diminish the value of Mozart’s music. This is seen in the film when the Emperor gives feedback on Mozart’s opera and states that he had to many notes. He then proceeds to ask Salieri for his feedback and Salieri agrees with the

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