The Dating Game Killer Essay

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“The Dating Game” Killer
April Smolkowicz
Dr. Ratchford
Georgia Gwinnett College

Rodney Alcala serial killer, born in San Antonio, Texas. Soon thereafter, his dad deserted the family so his native Mexican born mother moved the family to Southern California. During Alcala’s younger years in 1960 at the age of seventeen he joined the Army, and in four short years after having a nervous breakdown the U.S. Army’s military psychiatrist diagnosed Alcala with antisocial personality disorder in which he was medically discharged. At the age of twenty-five while attending The University of Los Angeles (UCLA) Alcala received his bachelors’ degree in 1968, in studying fine arts and film making under Roman Polanski (Pelisek, 2010). Rodney Alcala was a young dashing ladies man, said to have a near genius IQ, through utilizing his so called photography skills combined with his persuasive smooth talking charm in order to abduct, rape and kill his victims of young girls and women. In 1978 due to his influential charm, he was selected to compete with two other bachelors’ on the ABC prime-time show called, “The Dating Game”. On this particular episode the lady bachelorette whose name is: “Cheryl Bradshaw” chose Rodney Alcala to be her date. Only they never …show more content…

Meanwhile, investigators found hundreds of photos in Alcala’s home and in a storage unit in Seattle, WA. that Alcala had rented along with a pouch containing an earring from Robin Samsoe along with other jewelry that was taken from his other victims. In July 1979, Alcala was arrested once again, the only difference this time is that the police had locate Robin Samsoes’ body (Pelisek,

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