Animal Abuse Essay

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Nobody wants to see an animal being abused. Animal cruelty is also known as animal abuse or animal neglect. Animal abuse is when someone abuses an animal to cause unnecessary pain and suffering. Animal neglect is when a person, usually a pet owner, is careless towards their pets and abandons them. It is sad, horrible, and most animals get abused for no reason.
There are many problems around the world involving animal cruelty from chickens getting jumped on alive to orcas at SeaWorld not getting the attention they need. The statistics have gone up drastically in the past couple years. There are many actions we could do to fix the problem of animal cruelty. “Violators would be placed on a terrorist registry” (Oppel).
Many people believe that …show more content…

Some people that host these disturbing kinds of fights sometimes take videos and put them on the Internet for public entertainment. Animals are placed in a room or pen for entertainment for humans that abuse their animals and/or pets. These people force fights between the animals and watch the fight to the death. Jennyxleigh, the author of Animal Cruelty Must Stop, states the examples of animal cruelty include starvation, dehydration, untreated parasite infestations, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care. An illustration of animal cruelty would be “…workers dripping caustic chemicals onto the horses’ ankles and clasping metal chains onto the injured tissue” (Oppel). Workers use this illegal and painful technique on horses and it causes them to thrust their front legs forward on every step, after the chemical drip, to emphasize the high stepping selected by breeders. “An animal rights group involved in a long legal dispute with Kentucky Fried Chicken about the treatment of the 700 million chickens it buys each year is to release a videotape today showing slaughterhouse workers for one supplier jumping up and down on live chickens, drop-kicking them like footballs and slamming them into walls, apparently for fun” (Mcneil). How can these workers do terrible things to these animals and not have feelings for them. “Five orcas currently at SeaWorld were kidnapped from their ocean homes, as were others who have since died” (source #12). Multiple wild animals are taken from their homes and are forced to live in a confined replica of their natural habitat, which causes animal aggression. Nobody wants to be separated from their families at such a young

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