The Cynical Smirk Analysis

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Firstly, I would like to talk about the title of chapter four: The Cynical Smirk. I thought it was interesting because I think it means that when a negative person who does not support or believe in something that will happen is right for doubting for the cause is right, will be happy that were right. So basically a cynical person who is happy that his intuition was right that something would not succeed, but really that smirk is pointless. Being happy that something failed seems unproductive and the results had no impact on the person if they failed is being happy over nothing. Loeb describes that people who smirk are “full of themselves, smiling arrogantly, ‘in a self-conscious, knowing, or simpering manner.’ They know the score, you don’t and they’re about to put you in your place” (81). He is trying to say that those people who doubt you are arrogant. They are haughty in that they think they are right because they think a person’s a cause is useless, but really they could put their time and effort to help rather than criticizing I wholeheartedly believe that cynicism encourages us to distance ourselves from others and I am sad to say that I am cynical. I believe that how we are raised drastically affects our behavior so under the circumstances I have lived, I would say I have …show more content…

At one point in my life, I would say that I have gotten tired. I did not think that anything I did would help my grades or help me be a better person or would impact in the lives of others. I did not think there was a point in doing things because any tempt was futile and things would not change. I did not think I could be the definition of what I thought was a “good person” because I knew I could not accomplish it. Not trying to sound like the angsty teenager nor do I believe I was one, but this is an example of how cynicism convinced me that I could do nothing and as a result did

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