The Creation of the Welfare State

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The Creation of the Welfare State

Source Based

At the beginning of the Second World War, welfare was quite expensive.

Pregnant women who were poor had to pay a '£2 deposit and another 10

shillings', free treatment was not given to poor women. There was an

antenatal and a postnatal clinic but the woman had not used it because

of lack of money. She didn't receive any help at all. This person also

said 'I had to walk down to the maternity home,' this tells us that

the government provide free ambulance for pregnant women. This woman

was quite poor, 'hole in my shoe,' this tells us that she had to save

up for her pregnancy which meant she had no money to take good care of

herself. Life for every woman wasn't the same some other poor women

must have saved more and went to clinics but he the woman who had

written this source did not get any help.

2. Does the evidence of source C support the evidence of sources A

and B about welfare at the beginning of the Second World War?

Explain your answer.

Source C does support sources A and B. All three sources have related

information about the lack of money and efficient hospital and medical

care, they were also all written in the same period of time.

Sources A, B and C are experiences from the 'early 1940's', which were

being talked about and recorded in the 1980's. In both sources A and C

they explain about how they did not get money to pay for health care,

for example in source A she mentions 'At the maternity home we had to

pay £2.00 deposit and 10 shilling when she came… I never went to the…

We got no help with anything.' Source C states 'Dad had small wage… it

was too much for him to be able to go to the doctors… and we lost

Dad.' Due to the lack of money many people died as results of poor

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