Comparing Belinda Emmett And Gemma Sisia

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Compare and contrast the spiritual searching of Belinda Emmett & Gemma Sisia

1. What were their emotional reactions to the issues that confronted them?
Gemma Sisia was less externally emotional about the problem she encountered, and immediately took action and showed determination. The reaction of Belinda Emmett to her very different problem was more emotional, as it related to her life directly and was a chronic disease that affected her personally.
2. What actions/attitudes did they discipline themselves to take?
Sisia’s attitude was a forward thinking one, she took logical stops to solve her problem of raising money for the construction of a school in Eastern Africa. Belinda Emmett had less control over her problem, choosing to accept …show more content…

She dropped everything in her life at that point, because she knew that there was a problem and she felt she had to go help these people in need.
The story of Belinda Emmett and her cancer diagnosis bought up strong emotions in me. As such a young woman, she remained a caring and loving individual, thinking of others over herself. This is something that left a mark on me personally.

6. Using a religious or spiritual perspective comment on each situation.

7. How do you think their spiritual beliefs and/or experiences had an impact on their lives?
Gemma had a much more sound belief in terms of the afterlife and God. She was a strict Catholic and even thought of becoming a nun. Her childhood home had a prayer room where the family was able to reflect and show thanks. I believe this would have made Gemma a more selfless and giving person.
While Belinda Emmett’s religion and spirituality was a lot more underlying/closeted, it is inferred that she believed in something. While she wasn’t sure about the afterlife, she drew upon a spirit that she believed in to live her last few days with humility and grace, and it seemed as if she had

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