The Client

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The Client by John Grisham The story starts when Mark and his little brother are secretly smoking in the woods near their home. Suddenly they hear a car. The car stops and the driver gets out, fastens a hose to the exhaust pipe and gets back in his car: he wants to commit suicide. Mark removes the hose twice, but the third time the man notices him and grabs him into his car. The Man is named Jerome Clifford, but all his friends called him 'Romey'. Romey says that now Mark is in the car, they have to die both. During a long conversation he tells Mark where the body of the senator is, killed by Barry Muldano. After a while Mark manages to get out of the car, because Romey is under the influence of alcohol and medicines. After that, Romey gets out of the car and shoots himself. Mark and Rickey rush home. Ricky is in state of a shock and Mark calls 911. Ricky is taken to a hospital, and a police officer listens to the story of Mark. He doesn't quite believe Mark's explanation of events. Later, the FBI finds fingerprints of Mark all over the car. They repress him so much that he feels cornered and tries to get a lawyer. That lawyer becomes Reggie Love. After a while he begins to trust her, and he tells her some parts of the real story. The case of Barry Muldano is true and almost the following day his photo is in all the papers. Barry Muldano hires men to threaten the Sway family. They burn the Sway's trailer and threat Mark with a knife. It works, Mark understands that h...

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