Analysis of The Client by John Grisham

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Analysis of The Client by John Grisham

The Client by John Grisham takes place in Memphis, Tennessee. It starts out with a little boy, named Mark and his brother sneaking into the woods to try and smoke cigarettes. While in the woods, they witness a man kill himself. But before he does so, this man tells Mark some very important secrets, which ends up putting Mark and his entire family at risk of being hurt. This event ends up putting Mark's brother in a coma. There are lawyers who keep on pressuring Mark to tell these things that he is not supposed to know, except that the Mafia threatens to kill Mark and his family if they tell the truth. This is because the secret is that the Mafia killed a Senator and buried him in their lawyer's garage, and the lawyer is the person who commits suicide.

Since Mark didn't confess to the lawyers, he is put in jail until he admits this secret. This is where he hires a lawyer named Reggie Love for the fee of one dollar. He eventually escapes for jail and figures that the only way to really know if this is true or not is if he goes and sees it himself. It is a coincidence though that the Mafia decides to do the same thing. Mark and Reggie end up finding the body, and the mob finds them. Mark and Reggie escape unharmed from the Mafia, and strike a deal with the district attorney. It is that they will tell them where the body is, if they agree to put them in a witness protection program, which is what they end up doing. Mark and his family move to Arizona, and everything ends up being okay.

One of the main characters in this book is Mark Sway, a little ten-year-old boy. He is strong willed, you can tell this because he keeps on going through all of this turmoil. He also seems to be really smart, and he speaks like someone who's a lot older than ten-years-old.

Another main character is Roy Foltrigg. He is the district attorney in the story. He has a really big ego, and it seems like he's lazy. He always has a team of lawyers who do everything for him, while he takes all of the credit. He seems like a typical man of politics.

I feel that I didn't really learn too much from this book. But what I did learn is how much witnessing a crime or knowing about a crime can affect your life. I never knew what kind of power that the mob can have over people's lives. It was interesting to learn this, and it makes me feel lucky ...

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... to keep him quiet. Mark can only trust his lawyer, Reggie, who had been practising law for only four years.

In addition to the Feds they have the U.S attorney, Roy Foltrigg. The already TV-celebrity who would do anything to get his own face on TV-screens all over America, in hope getting elected as the new U.S Senator in Louisiana.

Miss Reggie does her job very well, and Mark doesn't have to tell Roy and his FBI-friends that much, but that results in a few nights in jail for Mark, where he managed escape from. He persuades Reggie to come with him to Romey's house, to see if the body actually is buried there. Of course, at the same time Barry Muldanno and a few more guys arrive in order to move the former Senator's body to another location. Reggie and Mark will by luck get away from Romey's knowing that the body really was there, and "the Blade" and his friends were forced to leave if they didn't want to be arrested for trespassing.

When they came back home, Reggie and the FBI, with Larry Trumann in front, agreed to set up a witness-protection-programme for Mark and his family, if Reggie gives Trumann the location of the body in time before the Mob manage to move it.

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