The Children Who Touched My Heart

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"Caring has the gift of making the ordinary special."

- George R. Bach

I have always been aware of the great positive impact which could result from feeding the hungry or constructing a house for the homeless. This positive energy flows not only to the receiver, but also to the giver. When I was asked to play with some children at Safe Place, I agreed, but I could not imagine that it would have any significant impact on the children.

As a part of my community service learning project, I chose to volunteer at Safe Place. Safe Place is a 24 hour emergency shelter for families affected by domestic violence. I knew that this would be a different community service project than I had ever experienced before, but I was looking forward to a new opportunity.

I was somewhat nervous as I buzzed myself in to get through the door. My identity was

confirmed and I walked up to check in at the front desk. The lady sitting there happily greeted me and took me down the hall and into a room filled with colorful toys, crafts, shelves of books and board games, and a row of computers. The lady informed me that the children were finishing a snack and would be in the room soon. Not long after, the door cracked and a small child peeked around the corner. After I introduced myself, the little girl timidly made her way towards me and told me her name was Emily. As she sat down at the table with me, her curious eyes caught sight of a Checkers board game that was on the shelf next to me. ...

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