Distinguishing Science from Pseudoscience: A Study

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Science is the intellectual and practical study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. While Pseudoscience is a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. Pseudoscience is commonly called fake science. Whether pseudoscience fields can be counted as real science has always been debated; however, it is not real science because it substitutes fantasy and nonsense for fact and has no backing from reliable sources. Pseudoscience is called fake science because the word “pseudo” means fake science. In order to spot what is pseudoscience, the earmarks of pseudoscience must be known. It displays a remarkable and characteristic indifference …show more content…

The most commonly known fields are cryptozoology and parapsychology. Cryptozoology is the study of animals that are rumored to exist. These creatures are called cryptids. Bigfoot is the most notable cryptid. Many people have claimed to see Bigfoot and many television shows have searched for Bigfoot, however, no concrete evidence has been found to support that bigfoot is a real creature. Cryptozoology relies mostly on testimonials and circumstantial evidence in the form of legends and alleged sightings of mysterious beasts by indigenous peoples, explorers, and travelers. cryptozoologists spend most of their energy trying to establish the existence of creatures, rather than examining actual animals, therefore they are more akin to psi researchers than to zoologists …show more content…

The presence of alchemy is seen throughout history but is not seen nearly as much today. People used alchemy in an attempt to convert base metals, commonly iron, into gold or to find the elixir of life. Humans have never found any of those things, but there is a no going scholarly debate about whether was alchemy a valid part of chemistry’s history and if alchemy is a part of chemistry then it isn’t a pseudoscience. Glynis Coyne wrote in her article Lead to Gold, Sorcery to Science: Alchemy and the Foundations of Modern Chemistry: “The historian Bruce T. Moran, for instance, asserts that alchemy was an intellectually valid discipline in its contemporary context, that alchemy and chemistry were strongly interrelated, and that the exchange of ideas between the two can be seen in the works of figures like Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton.”

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