The Case For Reparations By Ta-Neehisis Coates Analysis

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Last year, Ta-Nehisis Coates’ Atlantic article “The Case for Reparations” threw a national spotlight on a debate and movement that has been ongoing, yet for the large part unseen, for more than 150 years. Reparations suddenly became a topic of national debate, which like most things today focused on the merits of the idea versus proposing any real solutions to the issues. Coates’ article is no different, offering a litany of offensives without proposing any real solvency to the issues that have oppressed the black community in America for the past several hundred years. In the article, Coates maintains that social, economic, and political injustices against blacks have compounded over the years: “Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy.” He argues that even though slavery and segregation ended, these inequities have crippled many black communities and left them on an uneven playing field—only reparations can even this field. In his 15,000-word treatise, Coates uses many pieces of evidence to validate his case for reparations. Primarily, Coates focuses on three rifts to stake his claim. Initially, Coates highlights the …show more content…

His argument is substantive in outlining the plight of black Americans; however, he is anything but substantive in offering any means by which the current inequities can be truly addressed. Unlike Robin Kelley, who in his article “For Reparations and Transformations” suggests that reparations come in the form of entitlement programs, education and investment in “historically black ghetto communities.” Coates offers the issues and Kelley the possible solutions. However, are these solutions

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