The Importance Of Reparation

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In Favor of Reparations In this paper I will argue that America should pay reparations to black communities that have suffered most from institutionalized racism. My view is not that reparations should be paid via checks mailed by the federal government, of an undeterminable sum, to families that are most eligible, but rather, through changes in policy. These policies would tackle racial inequality at it most obvious sources, the wage gap, the mistreatment of black Americans by our criminal justice system, quality of education, and the disparity in housing between black and white Americans. Before I discuss how we should pay reparation, I will discuss why reparations are necessary in the first place. A couple reasons why America should …show more content…

There were not many options in housing available for black Americans, so they were forced to buy houses “on contract”. With this type of contract, the owner of the house would buy it a lower market price, and then sell the house to black families usually double the price that it was bought for. The family would then make costly monthly payments until they paid off the house, but would have to pay for maintenance and upkeep of the house as well. If the family could not make a payment then they would be kicked out of the house, and lose all of the money that was put into it, and another family would take their place and the cycle would continue. Contract owners made enormous sums of money off the misfortune of African-American families, and in the process created some of America’s ghettos …show more content…

Bouie argues, “The case for reparations, in short, is straightforward. As a matter of public policy, America stole wealth from black people, denied them a shot at prosperity, and deprived them of equal citizenship” (Bouie). Coates, in his article, never tries to make an argument for reparation, merely introduces the HR 40 bill, which would authorize a study of reparations by the American government. The point of the bill is to shed light on racial inequalities, both past and present, that many people are ignorant of, but still benefit from. Coates’ goal is for the country to really acknowledge white supremacy, and the role that it played in our country’s history. I agree that the country should be aware of his true roots, how our country was built on the back of stolen labor from slaves, but simply acknowledging is not enough. Coates is probably hoping that once the country comes to terms with just how much white supremacy and racial inequality is engrained into our culture, then the policy changes will follow. That may be a good approach to take, or perhaps we should demand reparations for those wrong now, instead of waiting and relying on the goodwill of the government to do what is right. What I want to discuss now is what these reparations would look

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