The Boston Tea Party: A Huge Role In American History

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The Boston Tea Party played a huge role in American history. This was one of the largest attacks on the British. It was led by the Sons of Liberty. This was America’s answer to the Tea Act of 1773. Areas rejected tea shipments so they were forced to ship to Boston. One of the first major events in the starting of the Revolutionary war was the Boston Massacre. That made the British do cruel things to the colonists. America didn’t want anything to do with the British. The colonists wanted them out and they wanted independence much later after the Boston Tea Party. On December 16th, three British ships were boarded by people dressed up as Indians. This group was the Sons of Liberty led by Sam Adams. The group destroyed chests of tea and threw the tea into the Boston Harbour. A total of 342 chests were thrown into the Harbour. …show more content…

If the Tea Party happened today, it would’ve been about a million dollars worth of tea thrown into the harbour. The ships started to arrive in late November, early December. While the ships arrived, meetings were held discussing how the ships were going to return to England. The General refused the colonist’s approach and they began to take

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