The Boston Tea Party

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Taxes are one of the most controversial, yet important factors that contribute to a successful and stable government. Taxes are defined as, "a contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income or profits or they are added to the costs of goods and services." These taxes help fund many government operations and they truly keep our country and government running. Taxes are often opposed and many people just don't see the need for them. Taxes can be traced back to the colonial era. Many people felt that it was unjust for Americans to be taxed because they had no one to represent their opinions in parliament. This eventually led to the revolutionary war. These taxes imposed by parliament include the Molasses Act, Sugar Act, the Tea Act, the Stamp Act and more. Many people completely disagreed with these taxes. One of the most famous rebellions against these taxes was the Boston tea party. The Boston tea party was a rebellion led by Samuel …show more content…

This is a very delicate question and the answer can be different for everyone. Many hard working Americans feel as if taxes are legal ways for the government to take their hard earned money from them. People work hard for their money, so it is expected that many would feel uneasy when their own government ends up taking a decent sized chunk out of every paycheck. It doesn't seem right, but, once people understand where this money is actually going, these taxes could be more easily accepted. Although, some people will never see the importance of taxes. After all, one of the greatest campaign strategies of many politicians includes the promise of lowered taxes, and this pleases many Americans. This is exactly why we need taxes. Without them, we wouldn't have the necessary funds to keep our government stable, nor enough people willing to contribute their money to the government, and without a stable government, our country would be

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