Tax Reform Research Paper

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The U.S. tax system is a system that has been put into question, whether or not it need to be reformed. The focus would be to address the issues and concerns of reforming the tax system, and whether it would be beneficial to do so. When it comes to reforming taxes, taxpayers, businesses and the government have different goals and agenda for this reform. When it comes to the American tax system, the first thing that needs to be done, is to look at what could possibly be wrong with the system. According to Sharp, Register and Grimes the American tax system is best described as a hybrid system because it relies on taxes levied on income, consumption and wealth. On the federal level the source is income, payroll and excise taxes; on the state …show more content…

Also another the complaint about the system is the tax avoidance by taxpayers and that some form of policies need to be implemented to prevent this from happening. The changes of the U.S. tax system, consolidated tax brackets and the income level increased, has affected businesses and families throughout this nation. Reforming the system during this time brought about significant changes and that it established benefits that would boost the sluggish economy. The push for a new reform is not on the table because of some feel that several things have changed and transpired since the Tax Reform Act of …show more content…

Tax system reform can mean something different for everyone involved. Reform could mean a chance to change income inequality and control government spending as a whole. “According Carbaugh and Ghosh, supporters contend that a progressive tax reduces income inequality, which results in a number of societal benefits such as less violence and lower homicide rates. All three commissions would broaden the tax base subject to lower tax rates to ensure that sufficient revenue comes to the federal government” (Carbaugh and Ghosh 2011). In reading the journal on the U.S. Tax system, our system has the highest tax among all the countries in the world. The goal is to decrease the amount of loopholes in the tax system and expand the tax system. Doing this would be great for taxpayers because of the inequities in taxes and its

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