The Beveridge Report

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The Beveridge Report

In December 1942 the British government published the report on

social insurance and allied services. This watershed publication was

better known as the Beveridge Report- named after its author the

journalist, academic and government adviser William Beverigde and

would shape British government and social policy for the rest of the


The report directed government towards the goals of fighting ‘the five

giant evils’ of want disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness. In

return for weekly contribution, the British people would be guaranteed

a minimum standard of living in times of sickness, unemployment or

retirement. In brief the Beveridge Report outlined the construction of

the modern welfare state.

The Second World War witnessed an acceleration of many trends evident

in British politics and society before 1939.

The war further stimulated new industries as well as reviving the old

ones, and led to widespread recognition of social problems such as

poverty and unemployment.

The Beveridge Report, presented to Parliament and published in

December 1942, contained goals far more meaningful to the average

Briton than the generalities of the Atlantic Charter. It was a

radical report. From the outset Beveridge (1942) insisted that war

provided an opportunity to make good:

The notion of the welfare state refers to the state's provision of

public measures and support to achieve basic living standards and help

those in need across society. Ideally, the welfare state aims to

alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, and accomplish greater social

integration and solidarity.

Beveridge recommended the establishment of a National Health

Service, national insurance and assistance, family allowances, and

stressed the importance of full-employment. The Beveridge Report of

1942 proposed a system of National Insurance, based on three

'assumptions' – family allowances, a National Health Service, and full

employment. This became a major propaganda weapon, with both major

parties committed to its introduction. During the war, the coalition

government also committed itself to full employment through Keynesian

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