The Benefits of Energy Medicine

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Healthcare industry has a giant place in economy, and medicine part of that industry is developing very rapidly because everyday people use medicines to prevent illnesses, to reduce stress, or to be more energetic. However, many people start to see disadvantages of conventional medicine because of its high costs and side effects. At this time, complementary and alternative medicine shows itself as a good alternative. It is not a type of conventional medicine because it has different ways for treatment, and has different products and practices. There are five types of complementary and alternative medicine which are alternative medical systems, mind-body interventions, biologically-based therapies, manipulative and body-based methods and energy medicine. Nowadays, energy medicine starts to improve its role in complementary and alternative medicine. Energy medicine can be used for healing and can also improve a person’s wellness and make a person’s performance better. Besides, energy medicine is speedy, holistic, practical and efficient. Therefore, energy medicine can replace or be used to support conventional medicine in some ways. Doctors and nurses should learn to use energy medicine especially for critical care.

In “Six Pillars of Energy Medicine: Clinical Strengths of a Complementary Paradigm” David Feinstein and Donna Eden (2008) argue that clinical experience and scientific investigations make energy medicine more reliable, and according to them because of six major reasons energy medicine can be used as a support to conventional medicine or as a full system for self-care and self-help. Energy medicine utilizes electromagnetic fields in the body because electromagnetic fields are managing all cells’ roles in the bo...

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... in critical care.

In conclusion, energy medicine has many useful methods for treatment, and it can supersede conventional medicine in some situations. It can be a good support to conventional medicine. People should see the harmful effects of medicines and try to use energy medicine for staying healthy. Doctor and nurses also should learn and use energy medicine’s holistic orientation in critical care. They should not think that the body is made of just organs and brain because besides the body, people have mind and spirit which affect body very much.


Feinstein, D., & Eden, D. (2008). Six pillars of energy medicine: clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm. Alternative Therapies, 14(1), 44-54.

Guzzetta, Cathie E. (2004). Critical care research: Weaving a body-mind-spirit tapestry.

American Journal of Critical Care, 13(4), 320-327.

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