Comparing Plantar Pressure: Treadmill Vs Asphalt Running

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Many times I have heard people say “Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your knees than running on the asphalt.” What proof can one make to this statement, from what I can tell there is not any to be found. The reason that people have made this assumption is the difference in plantar pressure that running requires when on asphalt versus on a treadmill. In reality though the only difference between the two is the amount of pressure your body feels it has to give to push yourself harder during the workout. A recent study that was done showed no significant difference in peak plantar pressures, pressure-time integral and peak pressure distribution for concrete, synthetic, grass, and normal treadmill surfaces. 1 Plantar pressure is known …show more content…

Treadmills are machines made specifically for running and have a better landing pad/more give then asphalt does. However according to Personal training manager, Josh Cox, our bodies adjust each and every day, however when we force our bodies to run on a treadmill, we make our bodies adjust to the will of a treadmill. From this we can assume that no matter where you are running whether it be treadmill or asphalt, our bodies will have the same strain. “Vary the surface you train on to best take advantage of the specific benefits each provides," says Ford. "Road or pavement running helps condition the body for the impact of running. Softer surfaces can improve strength, specifically with stabilizer muscles, as your body will have to work harder for forward and upward propulsion during the running motion, while also having to compensate for uneven surfaces and lateral give." 2 Clinical instructor Todd Schlifstein says “Running is a great workout, but it can impact the knees and as it’s the force of your body weight on your joints that causes the stress, it’s the same whether you’re on a treadmill or on asphalt. The best way to reduce knee impact, says is to vary your workout. If you mix running with other cardio activities, like an elliptical machine, or you ride a stationary bike, you will reduce impact on your knees so you’ll be able …show more content…

Interval working out allows for increased balance and it is possible you will avoid knee problems. How can you avoid knee problems by running when the whole point of this myth is that you will have knee problems? By having a workout regimen with interval led running you allow your body to recuperate the different muscles and strain that has been brought upon it. Another study found that both treadmill and outside running produced the same loading forces, but that the treadmill produced greater Achilles tendon forces, which would suggest that treadmill running could lead to more Achilles tendon injuries. So from this story we can infer that the opposite is true, knee strain is more when running on a treadmill compared to

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