The Benefits Of Probiotics

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What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are good live bacteria and yeast that are beneficial to the body. The microorganisms are available in some foods and dietary supplements. Probiotics work in the same manner as the probiotics that live naturally in the gut. The three main sources of probiotics in the body are; naturally existing probiotics in the intestines, supplements and foods. The naturally existing probiotics in the intestines include Saccharomyces boulardii and Bifobacterium and Lactobacillus family of microorganisms. Another bacterium called Lactoacidophilus is found in certain types of yoghurt.

The dietary supplements with probiotics are available in tablet, liquid extract, powder and tablet forms. Most of these supplements are sold …show more content…

However, it is important to acknowledge that body may not necessarily require probiotics foods and supplements to be healthy or to operate optimally, foods and supplements with good probiotics can go a long way to complement the good work done by the bacteria in the gut. Below are some of the benefits of probiotics:
• Helps restore bacteria balance in favor of good probiotics to help the body function …show more content…

Eating rich probiotics foods and maintaining a healthy intestinal flora, can help a person maintain more efficient immune system. One study indicated that subjects who were given fermented dairy drink instead of regular milk had a higher level of lymphocytes in the systems.

Women’s health
Improper balance good and bad bacteria inside the vagina can cause serious uncomfortable infections such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Some studies have shown that probiotics such as L. acidophilus when taken as vaginal suppositories can support antibiotics in preventing and treating vaginal infections.

Safety of Probiotics
Studies have shown that probiotics may trigger an allergic reaction, which may manifest through diarrhea, mild stomach upset, bloating and flatulence in the first few days of application. Some probiotics have been shown to adversely affect the metabolic pathways such as carbohydrates metabolism or overstimulation the immune system. For this reasons, if you have any serious illness or certain bowel problems, avoid using

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