Fibromyalgia Essay

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Essential Dietary Supplements for Fibromyalgia
Physicians can only give palliative treatment for fibromyalgia. The primary goal of palliative care is to prevent secondary illnesses and alleviate patients’ suffering. What physicians offer are the so-called remedies even if they give prescription drugs. When a doctor prescribe analgesics, it does not mean this can ultimately cure the syndrome rather give temporarily relief to patients.
Although there is no known cure for this condition despite the advent of science and technology, the good thing is that there are numerous options to offer relief for fibromyalgia patients. You must have heard about being dependent to certain types of medicines or those people who no longer respond to low dose analgesia. In this case, most patients look for natural remedies to avoid complications later on. Even top-notch medical specialists believe that the treatment and management for fibromyalgia should be a balanced and holistic approach that comes with complementary medicine, appropriate exercise and therapy.
Alternative treatments can do a lot to ease the patients’ pain, spasm and other symptoms associated to fibromyalgia. Here are some of the top-listed remedies to treat symptoms of this condition.
Effective Dietary Supplements: Magnesium, Calcium and B Vitamins
Most fibromyalgia patients suffer pain and hence the main reason of becoming sleepless. Little that people know that lack of sleep leads to magnesium deficiency as sleep disturbance impact the secretion of growth hormone. This essential hormone aids in the insulin growth factor or the IGF-1 which is very important in tissue repair. It also influences the magnesium levels within the cells. It’s crucial to look into the levels of magne...

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...levels. Although some patients cannot tolerate B12, there are B12 injection preparations for this purpose.
Other supplements can also help ease symptoms of fibromyalgia. A cup of chamomile tea can soothe your sleep. Meanwhile, vitamin D relieves muscle aches and symptoms of depression and anxiety. The sun is a free source of vitamin D. Not that it comes directly from sunlight but the sun exposure help synthesize vitamin D from dietary intake of cholesterol. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that works in intestinal absorption of minerals and compounds like zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron.
Consider Extra Precautionary Measures.
While you can buy dietary supplements any time over-the-counter, please note that some supplements may have unfavorable drug interaction with other prescription drugs. Always refer to your physician before taking any dietary supplements.

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