The Benefits Of Magnesium

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When the benefits of minerals to our health are being discussed, most of the emphasis seems to be on bulk minerals like calcium and iron. It is unfortunate because our good health indeed depends on getting plenty of a wide array of minerals. Magnesium is a mineral that does not receive enough attention. It means that most people today could be benefited by a supplementing their diet with magnesium. Magnesium is best known for its role in preventing and reversing osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle. Magnesium assists the body in absorbing and using calcium. It also affects the various hormones in the body that influence bone density and calcium absorption. Getting plenty of magnesium helps increase …show more content…

It is needed to metabolize carbohydrates. Too little magnesium can cause insulin, the enzyme that controls the levels of blood sugar, to stop working. Insulin resistance is the term that describes this condition. Insulin resistance is usually a first step towards the development of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is another name for adult-onset diabetes. As insulin becomes less effective, it takes more and more of it to create the same drop in blood sugar. Eventually, full-blown diabetes develops. Getting the recommended amount of magnesium will improve the ability of the body to control blood sugar and hopefully prevent diabetes from developing in later …show more content…

Sadly, many do not receive the recommended amounts of magnesium to maintain our good health. A supplement may be the only way to make sure that our body gets all the magnesium it needs to perform at its peak. When taking calcium supplements, it is also recommended to take a supplement of twice the amount of magnesium as well. Liquid mineral supplements increase the ability of the digestive system to absorb minerals by supplying them in a form that is readily utilized by the body. Take a liquid magnesium supplement every day to prevent weak bones, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. Take the time today to ensure your magnesium intake is sufficient to keep yourself in excellent health by buying a high-quality liquid magnesium supplement. Experts have suggested that stress, aging, and various diseases can increase magnesium requirements. Foods that are in high in magnesium are also high in dietary fiber and potassium too. If magnesium and calcium are not taken in adequate amounts, then it can lead to disorders such as hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular disease, and

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