The Benefit Of Learning A Second Language

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Everyone dreams of becoming successful in school and also in the field that they wish to work in. Learning a foreign language is an excellent way that many find to be helpful in achieving their goals. All students in American schools should be required to learn a foreign language because they will do better in school, receive better job opportunities, and will have much better concentration and study skills. In the article, ‘The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language’, Melissa Brown wrote, “Students who completed a foreign language course in high school tended to have higher scores on the ACT exams in english and math.” These statistics prove how helpful learning a foreign language is. Although there has been expressive concern for those students who learn a foreign language lose learning time in other academic areas, it is actually more helpful. Melissa Brown states, “Children who study a foreign language, even when this second language takes times away from the study of mathematics, outperform students who do not study a foreign language and have more mathematical instruction during the school day.” …show more content…

And there is quite a numerous amount of individuals in America that do not speak English. Because of this, employers prefer/require that all applicants/employees are bilingual. “Job applicants who speak more than one language are ‘attractive and more marketable’”(The Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language). By stating this Melissa Brown is expressing how much more desired a bilingual individual is and how they will have more job opportunities. Also, Melissa Brown informs us that “individuals who speak a second language are more productive and earn higher wages.” This is a study that had been tested that proves how truly wonderful and important learning a foreign language is for each individual and their

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