What Is The Importance Of Learning Foreign Language Essay

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The issue focused on importance of learning of foreign languages. Many people ask "Why should I learn foreign languages?" Learning a foreign language takes assiduity and free time. In order to understand this importance we need first to understand benefits of knowing and learning foreign languages. I offer several groups of these benefits below, which may help to convince you to take the plunge, if you need such persuasion. One groups of benefits represent economic and practical reasons, others have intellectual and even sentimental content, but whatever reasons you choose, you will have a clear idea of why learning foreign language so important and how it can help to motivate you in your studies. First group is personal benefits. Learning foreign language, people develop their brain`s capabilities, in particular your memory. The researchers from University College London has shown that learning other languages altered grey matter – the area of the brain which processes information – in the same way exercise builds muscles.() Moreover, people who are learning foreign languages develop self-confidence. Multilingual people tend to attract people because of their skills. You can overcome your fears and doubts, become more intelligent, meet new interesting people and travel to places you would have never dared to visit before.
This means that if you learn foreign languages, this is likely to improve your ability to solve financial difficulties, for example.
Multi-tasking is stressful to those who are not skilled at it. The people who learn foreign languages are

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