The Barackavellian: Machiavellian Policies Used By Barack Obama

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Barack Obama is the most current Machiavellian today, as most men and women in politics are. Obama is a democratic president born in Hawaii and is also the first non-white president that the U.S. has ever had ( 2014). Much like other presidents, however, he puts on the presidential act that Machiavelli himself had written in his book, The Prince. Ironically, his letter did impress the prince, but it certainly outlined the roles of the most powerful leaders throughout history to this very day. First, Machiavelli explains how to obtain power. In chapter six of The Prince, he explains that to be a powerful leader then you must act like a powerful leader; simply meaning, act as another great leader and make that leader a role model. Obama is said to rule as a religious Muslim would. As read on, “…his agenda for the Whitehouse clearly shows that he is Muslim because he removed our army from the Middle East, has dinner with Muslim Jihadist, removes the idea of American nuclear weapons, and passed a hate crime bill against anyone who speaks against Islam.” Next,...

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