The Band Trip Research Paper

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The Band Trip
I was only a sophomore at Iowa City West High when I got to go to Disney World for the very first time. We left after school one day on a 24 hour bus ride down to Florida. I did not mind the ride; it just got to be very cramped and hot at some points. We were able to watch movies which were a good thing because there was not much to do on a bus. We watched Les Misèrables, Finding Nemo, and The Sandlot. We would stop for food every so often and whatever town we ended up in, we got to walk around for a little bit. Then we would get back on the bus, and by night time everybody was on the floor of the bus sleeping. The floor felt heated so it was nice and warm, I never got a chance on the floor I was stuck sleeping in the chairs, which was not too bad but they only leaned back so far. …show more content…

The carpets were a rose red, same with the cushions on the chairs. It had beautiful red drapes to cover the tall windows which looked out over palm trees and the pool. The first night there everybody decided it was pool time, so we all rushed down to the pool to cool down from the Florida heat. When night hit we all were directed back up to our rooms. Each room had four people in it with two beds, the rooms were pretty spacious and they had mini fridges, TV, a microwave; everything a regular kitchen had expect a stove. We did our eating in the main lobby, which was eggs, bacon, and orange juice every morning. One morning my friends took advantage of my unattended orange juice and they decided it would be a good idea if they put 13 packets of sugar and 11 packets of salt in my juice. When I came back I took a sip and they all started laughing but I had no idea why. I could not taste anything unusual that was in the juice, so I made one of my other friends try it and she almost threw it right back up. I had a good laugh after that knowing that their plan back fired on

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