The Bad Batch

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Quick Plot: Arlen gets exiled from society and gets sent to a wasteland in Texas where she has been stamped a bad batch. The Bad Batch isn’t so much a film that is driven by plot, it’s more driven by its world. Majority of the time you find the film exploring this wasteland through the character’s eyes. The plot doesn’t really kick in until around the halfway point, but even then the film moves along slowly. In the wrong hands The Bad Batch could end up being an endurance test, but like life itself Ana Lily Amirpour finds a way. Ana Lily Amirpour introduced herself to the world with her first film A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. That film had a very similar vibe to The Bad Batch. Both films are more about mood and the world then actually A to B plot. In many ways you live in them, not really follow them. From the very beginning we …show more content…

By far my favorite is the Hermit played brilliantly in a wordless performance by Jim Carry. He’s the most fascinating character and tragic character. He gives an entirely physical performance. You get a real sense of a fully formed character through the performance. Suki Waterhouse plays the films heroine. Like a lot of the characters in the film, she’s complicated. You feel bad for her because in the beginning of the film her arm and leg get cut off but on the other hand you can’t justify her actions. Strangely the character that might have the most dialogue is the character that doesn’t have that much screen time, Keanu Reeves is great as The Dream. In any other film he would be the bad guy, but he’s actually the best character on a moral level. He does not eat or kill people like some of the other characters. Jason Momoa plays one of the bodybuilding cannibals named Miami Man. Like Suki Waterhouse he’s a complicated character. In one scene he’s a good father and the next he’s eating someone. He’s very much the stoic badass type in this

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