The Aye Observation

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I have read that the aye aye is a lemur that is found inhabited in the rain forests of madagascar. There is one set of species that is this type, its habitat is very dense and very dry. The aye aye is closely related to the lemur species their colors are brown and sandy white, and they are very ugly. It spends most of all its life living high in the trees. The male aye ayes climb high up the trees and cover 4km at night because they search for food. Whenever the aye aye was first discovered, it was so strange in appearance that it was thought to be a large species of a squirrel they spend their entire life in the rainforest of the trees because of the fact that they do not want to come down to earth the aye ayes are nocturnal meaning they …show more content…

Most of their lives are spent in solitude, except for when they come together to mate and when raising a baby. This can occur at any time of year, as aye-ayes have no specific mating season. Pregnancies last around 170 days (compared to a human’s 280), and occur every 2-3 years on average in captivity. Weaning begins at 7 months in the wild, but can go longer in captivity. The aye aye has huge eyes that are spread apart and his skin is rough.A nocturnal species, the aye-aye spends its days sleeping in an elaborate nest of intertwined twigs and dead leaves. These nests can take up to 24 hours to construct, and are often located high up in the crowns of tall trees. As they move from place to place individuals either build new nests or make use of those constructed by other aye-ayes. Male aye-ayes have large overlapping ranges of around 100 to 200 ha, which usually contain several females. The home ranges of females are smaller and do not overlap. Individuals mark their ranges with urine and scent from glands in their necks, cheeks and rumps. Breeding is thought to occur throughout the year, with females advertising their readiness to mate through distinctive calls.Once a promising cavity has been found the aye-aye cocks forward its large ears and listens for the sound of grubs burrowing beneath the bark. If a grub is heard the aye-aye will rip open the cavity with its teeth and hook out the grub with its

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