The Art of Landscaping

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Many people in this world have the goal to be successful. Being successful carries a different denotation from person to person. For many people, success and The American Dream go hand in hand. So what is the American Dream? “The ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved” For many people, The American dream connotes owning a home with a white picket fence, a decent car, a family and a golden retriever. Although, very 1950’s, the basic idea is having a “perfect” lifestyle. If a person has all of these basic items, logic would indicate that the person values these things and wants to take care of them and see a return on their investments. So what is the best way to get a return on your investment? Make it aesthetically pleasing, of course! One way to improve the aesthetics of a property is to landscape it! But, how could this be so important? In order to understand the impact landscaping has on a property, one must first know what a landscape is. According to the Oxford dictionary, a landscape is “the visible features of an area of countryside or land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.” In today’s time, first impressions have a big impact on how things are perceived. For example, when going to a job interview, it is recommended to dress professionally and look presentable, as this gives an advantage over an equally qualified person who dresses like they don’t care. This translates very well to a property, it’s the first thing a guest or a potential buyer sees, and it affects their whole perception of the rest of the house. A yard is also a way to express oneself and is an extension of the owner’s personality.
So, how does a lands...

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...bine it into the price for equipment rentals and labor. The grand total of these figures is the cost of the job, if we price under that number, we lose money. So, careful judgment is used to decide how much profit a job should bring in. We then decide how much over the total cost we want to charge, we type up an official, detailed quote for the job. If the contractor is happy with the price, he will accept our bid and we now have the job. Now all that’s left to do in this stage is to get all the permits and draw up the necessary contracts.

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