The Arizona Constitution

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Arizona Statehood and Constitution
Arizona’s Constitution was written sometime in 1910; amended, ratified, and approved by Congress in 1911. Then Arizona became the 48th state and the last adjoining state to be welcomed in the Union; on February 14, 1912. Since then the citizens of Arizona has amended their Constitution many times. The Constitution consists of thirty articles. There were quite a lot of events that impacted the process of Arizona becoming its own state. The first section will examine the events that developed Arizona Constitution. The next section will summarize the powers and functions of Arizona's three branches of government. In the following section will discuss the procedures for amending this Constitution. Finally, a reflection on the amendment process for the Arizona Constitution will close this document.
Arizona Statehood
Let us begin in the 1500’s this was when Arizona was first explored by the Spanish. In 1539 Arizona was claimed for Spain by Marcos de Niza. The first Spanish settlers were established in 1752 in Tubac. There were many revolts from two tribes Pima and Papago. In 1821 Mexico acquires military control over Arizona. The United States won the Mexican war in 1848. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the United States most of Arizona. The rest of the state was given to the United States in 1853 by the Gadsden Purchase. Arizona discovered Copper in 1854. Arizona became a state on Valentine’s Day in 1912. This states name comes from the "Spanish word Arizonac. This term means little spring" (Bright, 2004, p. 47). The states motto became “Ditat Deus” which translates to “God enriches”.
The Pre-territorial Period (1539 and before)
There has been confirmation by archaeologists that people has liv...

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... the future.
The Progressive framers would approve the process of amending the Arizona Constitution. The framers wanted the needs of the citizens met over the needs of the government. The framers wanted the people to have the power over the legislative. This is why they allowed the people to vote for their elective officials. The democracy that the framers instituted keeps the power out of the hands of the government and put the power with the people.

ASI, (2012). The Arizona Constitution: Study Guide. Massachusetts: Academic Solutions, Inc.
Bright, W., (2004). Native American Place Names of the United States. Oklahoma: University of
Oklahoma Press.
LLC. (2012). Arizona. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Columbia University
McClory, T., (2010). Understanding the Arizona Constitution. Tucson: University of Arizona

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