The Archetype Of Dave In The Film Breaking Away

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Often in life we find ourselves in positions in which being ourselves may feel insufficient. Easy it is to mimic something that we are not to feel as though we fit in, or appear more appealing. Such as Dave in Breaking Away, a character that actively pursues an archetype that he is not, a relatable act that many people go through. Dave experiences this and in turn has an awakening to, and moves on from, in a coming of age way. Is the mimicking of another group a getaway for an archetype that he truly wishes he could have? Breaking Away features the following weeks after a group of friends graduate high school, and how they reminisce over and find new paths in life. Filmed in Bloomington Indiana, the focus of the group seems to revolve around their disagreements with the college kids. They often exhibit a strong hatred for the college kids mostly due to the way they are viewed as the “cutters”. This resentment of the college kids is a possible mask for when they want to be college kids themselves.

There often comes a point in time when we question if we could improve ourselves to fit in more or even become transfixed on a certain lifestyle that appears attractive to us. Dave in …show more content…

In Breaking Away the group of friends accept their cutter heritage and display is proudly, or in a way that explains that they accept who they are. Following the events in the end of the film Dave is found attending the college and admittedly following an archetype he so wanted all along. He has also now dropped the adoration of the Italians and rather being himself, evolving and growing up in a way. The film creatively displays this in a lighthearted and comedic manner using exciting progressive scenes and playful banter among characters. Breaking Away does keep the film moving with more serious scenes like when Dave and his father, Ray, are talking about Dave’s

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