The App Generation: Article Analysis

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A cluttered desk was only a way of getting things complete. The Rolodex, the calendar, the radio, the calculator, the dictionary, the fax machine, and the globe used to be the essential tools to get work done. However, in the past thirty-five years, each one of these objects gradually disappeared until there was only a desk, a laptop, and an iPhone. What more does one need? As time progresses, technology also advances momentously. With the evolution of technology, technology has slowly consolidated each and every one’s diurnal necessities into a sole laptop, which changes everyone’s lives. Individuals rooted from the App Generation have been “growing up in the digital age” (Xue). Dictionaries, calculators, thesauruses, address books, maps, post-its, and fax machines are no longer necessary when one could access …show more content…

Technology is merely the only thing used to represent young people, the people of the App Generation. Backtracking to the eighteenth century, Americans were led by tradition; the natives influenced their beliefs and behaviors. However, previous or present natives no longer influence the action of Americans, but rather, apps take on the role of domination. The App Generation is completely submersed within the technological sphere. In the article “The App Generation: How Technology is Changing Us,” Howard Gardner and Katie Davis state, “This generation expects that every aspect of life will be quick, efficient, streamlined, available immediately on demand, tell you what to do, how to do it, how others feel about it, and, at least implicitly, how you should feel about it, how you should feel about yourselves.” During this generation or beyond, t a pencil and paper will no longer being familiar. The App generation is already becoming an “app-suffused world;” a generation where “all aspects of human agency, individuality, creativity have been reduced to an algorithmic formula” (Gardner,

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