The American Republic Government versus the Platonic or Aristotelian Government

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Governing a society of people and achieving a justice presents a challenge regardless of the form. While the American Republic government has leant itself to many flaws when it comes to justice, it still embodies a stronger checks and balances to achieve justice that are limited in Platonic or Aristotelian government forms. We have a strong belief and precedent in achieving justice by way of our people from protests, boycotts to our election process. The activity level is important in combatting challenges in the justice system.

The American Republic strikes a balance between knowledge and participation unlike an Aristotelian form of government that leans on class to decide justice. Aristotle stated the following, “If anyone would choose to fix the administration on the widest basis, he will find none preferable to this; for to rule by turns is what the rich and the poor will not submit to, on account of their hatred to each other. It is, moreover, allowed that an arbitrator is the most proper person for both parties to trust to; now this arbitrator is the middle rank.” (Aristotl...

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