The Aeneid Vs. The King Of Sparta

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the movie was a pivital moment where a god-king was made mortal by a man who for a moment seemed to be everything but mortal. As has been noted by the Greek historian, Herodotus, the Spartans had lost most of their battle lancers and were fighting with swords, battle-axes, daggers, bare hands, and teeth. Despite the enormous imbalence in competitve edge and in numbers, the Persians suffered heavy losses four separate times in this long battle. Nonetheless, the Spartans were finally slain by the overwheliming amount of arrows that blackened the sky above. Xerxes never stepped foot on the battlefield until the final Spartan fell. Discovering Leonidas’ lifeless body, Xerxes then had the king beheaded and crucified on a wooden cross, which merely infuriated a future Greek alliance. Indeed, Leonidas’ sacrifice allowed the Greeks to assemble an army of more than 30,000 led by an additional 10,000 inspired Spartans. The final scene in the film depicts Delios leading the huge Spartan army into war against Persia. It was there, at the Battle of Plataea where the Greeks drove the Persian army outside of Hellenic soil forever. …show more content…

No man’s actions can possibly be compared to the life of Jesus Christ, the Savior of creation. Nevertheless, like Jesus, Leonidas layed down his life for his friends and was willing to forfeit everthing he had for the benefit of his people. By way of constrast though, Jesus possessed the properly ordered model of selflessness because He did not simply die for those He loved, but also died for those who sinned against Him. Unlike Christ, Leonidas probably could never bring himself to sacrifice his life for his

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