The Absorption Spectrum of Chlorophyll

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The Absorption Spectrum of Chlorophyll

Water + carbon dioxide → glucose + oxygen

6H2O + 6CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Absorption Spectrum

An absorption spectrum shows which wavelength of light a molecule


Action Spectrum

An action spectrum shows the effect of each wavelength of light on the

rate of photosynthesis

The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll is very similar to the action

spectrum of photosynthesis. This is evidence that chlorophyll absorbs

light for photosynthesis.

The Light and Dark Reaction

1) The light reaction


6H2O→12H + 3O2 Light splits water into hydrogen ions and oxygen.

2) The dark reaction


12H + 6CO2 → C6H12O6 + 3O2 Glucose is then formed from the hydrogen

ions and carbon dioxide. (This reaction does not occur in the dark).

Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis

The Light Reaction

Chlorophyll can split more water molecules at higher light

intensities. Photosynthesis will reach a maximum rate when chlorophyll

is saturated by sunlight.

The Dark Reaction

An increase in temperature will increase the rate of glucose

production until it reaches the optimum temperature for the enzymes.

The enzymes will be denatured if it goes above a certain temperature.

An increase in carbon dioxide will also increase the rate of glucose


Millions of years ago there was much more carbon dioxide in the

atmosphere, the plants sucked up the carbon dioxide and pumped out

oxygen, this gave the atmosphere we have today.

These factors depend on each other. They must all be at their optimal

amount for photosynthesis to occur at a maximum rate. The factor that

restricts the effect of the others is known as the 'limiting factor'.

Use of glucose from photosynthesis


Energy is released from glucose and used for growth and repair.


Glucose is stored as starch. Starch is insoluble and so doesn't change

the osmotic potential of the cell. Starch is made of long chains of

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