Thanksgiving: The Importance Of Being Thankful To Me

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Being thankful, to me, means appreciating everything in life. No matter how big or small something is to you, it is important to realize that some people can only dream of having what you have. Throughout the year, it is easy to take things for granted, even if you don’t realize it. Thanksgiving serves as a good reminder to us all that we need to take time and appreciate our lives. Many of us have so much to be thankful for, like our loved ones, a nice warm meal, or even just having clean clothes. Thanksgiving is a good time for us to relax, spend time with family, and just take a moment to enjoy our lives. I am the most thankful for my supportive and loving family. My mother, most of all, has always showed me that kindness and compassion are two of the most important traits to have. Any idea I have or anything I’ve ever wanted to do in life, she has had my back and assured me that I can do whatever I put my mind to. She once said, “I don’t care if you ride on the back of a garbage truck for your whole life. All I care about is that you follow your dreams.” Although that has never been my dream, it’s nice to know that she would be proud of me. She has never wanted anything more in life than to see her …show more content…

When I get home from school, or wherever I’ve come from, I can lay in bed and be lazy. I could just watch TV and eat whatever food we have in the house. I often do these things and don’t even consider how blessed I am. Kids everywhere, near me or around the world, might not have it as easy as I do. Many children have to work vigorously to provide money and food for their family. Many people across the world also do not get to feel as clean as I do. On a hot summer day, after sweating profusely, I can come in at the end of the day, and take a nice hot shower to wash of the grime and dirt. Others aren’t always able to be clean everyday or even every week, and I definitely take that for granted a

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