Essay On Thanksgiving

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Is the tradition of Thanksgiving still celebrated? Growing up as a child Thanksgiving dinner was celebrated at granny’s house. Some of the family lived in other states and had to travel to get to her house. The Macy’s Day Parade sounded through the speakers on the old black-and-white television set in the Livingroom. The mothers were busy in the kitchen finishing up the last of the Thanksgiving meal, while the dads are keeping the children occupied outside playing games. The older children got to set the places at the dinner table. Once dinner was placed on the table and everyone was seated, we would go around the table and state things we were thankful for. After dinner and the table was cleared we sat around the table and look at the Sears …show more content…

In 1827, Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale began lobbying for Thanksgiving as a national holiday. Finally, in the year 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving to be held each year on the fourth Thursday in November. The date was set nearest to November 21, the day the Mayflower first anchored at Cape Cod in 1621. More than seventy years later, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the date for Thanksgiving to be on the third Thursday of November, in order to extend the Christmas shopping season. It was not until 1941, Congress permanently fixed Thanksgiving to be on the fourth Thursday of November each year …show more content…

People watch the football games on television with friends and family. Some people even purchase tickets to go and watch the game in person. Season pass tickets are purchased for football games by many supporters each year. Some people travel by airplanes to go to other states and watch the football game being played on Thanksgiving Day. Throughout the world around noon time on Thanksgiving Day, millions of people are getting settled in for a good game, cheering and rooting for the team of choice to win. Football was added as a tradition 71 years after Thanksgiving became a national

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