Thanksgiving Dinner Short Story

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Thanksgiving Dinner

Errrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!The car squeaked across the black pavement. I looked up at the tan, huge house. I was soooo excited. We had arrived in Columbus, Ohio for Thanksgiving over the weekend. All of my cousins, great-aunts, uncle’s, and grandparents were celebrating at my great aunt Tammy’s, and my great uncle Carey’s castle-like house. The main entrance to the house was super shiny with the gleaming grand piano. I loved this house!
After we had said hello and caught up with all of the important details that have happened over the past few months, we went downstairs and as normal, started to throw each other on the couch. It was actually a lot of fun!! We would have our older second cousin, Mason, pick us up when we were little, and throw us up in the air onto the fluffy, brown, sectional couch.

Before we knew it, we were already brushing our teeth, and getting pajamas on. Before we got in bed, we had said goodnight to everybody (which took FOREVER), including the dog.

I was extremely tired. We were running around …show more content…

Even my great grandma M.J. was helping by doing some of the dishes! That thought made smile and feel warm inside.

After all of the hustle bustle, trying to cook, and set up food, we were ready to eat.

All of the kids mostly 10 and under sat at one table, while several groups of adults and younger adults sat at other tables.

After we had prayed and gone through the line where all of the food was, all of the sudden I could sense this weird feeling in my stomach. Let’s just stick to saying that it wasn’t the good kind of feeling. It had started to churn back and forth while looking at the greasy, tender turkey calling my name. But this time, I unfortunately could not afford to even look at it. I could almost taste the rich, tangy cranberry sauce seep into my drooling mouth. But for some reason, I felt like my stomach was going to

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