Thank You Ma 'Am' Constructed Response

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“Thank you ma’am” Constructed response In a short story called, “Thank you ma’am”, the author is trying to convey the theme, or message, of the importance of showing random acts of kindness towards others to help institute change. Mrs.J show one act of kindness when she washes his face. Another when she makes Roger food at her house. Mrs.J is kind and shows multiple examples throughout the story.
One example of a random act of kindness, is when Mrs.J makes Roger dinner at her house. On page 4, it said “Then we'll eat said the woman, “I believe you're hungry-or been hungry- to try to snatch my pocketbook”. This means that even though Roger tries to steal her pocketbook, she still cares for him. On page 6 “Eat some more, son” this implies

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