Texting And Driving Distraction Essay

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Texting and driving kills! A cell phone can be a bad distraction for anyone, especially if they are driving. Ever since the automobile was invented, there have been many distractions that drivers and those around them have had to worry about. ¨People take their hands off the wheel for many reasons.”(Three types of driving distractions.)People have been seen putting on makeup using their rear view mirror while driving down the road. Some people like to eat a 4-course meal while driving. People have been seen eating using a fork and spoon while driving. Another thing people have been seen doing is actually reading a book or magazine while behind the wheel! Distractions while driving may not have been as big a deal when the automobile was first …show more content…

A person can constantly be in touch with others and know what is going on in the world and with people around them. It can be used in times of emergency, such as to be notified of bad weather or to have help sent when it is needed. This could be possibly a car wreck or flat tire. Teens can take advantage of having a cell phone if they have social media and other things on their phone. They may feel the urge to check their phone every time it beeps. The world of today's society is people feel the need to know things instantly and feel pressure to be like everyone else. “Each year over 8 people are killed and 1,161 are injured daily in incidents reported as distraction-affected crashes in the United States” (The Dangers of Distracted Driving).

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